Editors:  N. C. Kenkel & J. Podani


Scale,  Pattern,  Fractals  and  Diversity




Preface         1


O. Wildi: Simulating vegetation at a local scale: probability modelling and fuzzy perception         3


D. J. Walker & N. C. Kenkel: Fractal analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics in boreal forest landscapes         13


G. Fekete & Z. Fekete: Distance distribution between patch systems: a new method to analyse community mosaics         29


V. DePatta Pillar: Sampling sufficiency in ecological surveys         37


S. Bartha, T. Czaran & J. Podani: Exploring plant community dynamics in  abstract coenostate spaces          49


M. B. Dale: Space, scale and description          67


X. He & L. Orloci: Anderson Pond revisited: the late-Quaternary vegetation process         81


Gy. Kroel-Dulay: Stepwise transformation of phytosociological data:  a case study in the semiarid grasslands of New Mexico         95


J. Podani, T. Czaran & I. Scheuring: Individual-centered analysis of community pattern: some case studies         101


C. Ricotta, N. C. Kenkel, E. De Zuliani, G. C. Avena: Community richness, diversity and evenness: a fractal approach         113


E. Jako & P. Itczes: A discrete mathematical approach to the analysis of spatial pattern         121


C. Ricotta, G. C. Avena & E. R. Olsen: Geographic windows in the fractal analysis of  local landscape complexity          143


B. Tothmeresz: On the characterization of scale-dependent diversity         149


 J. Izsak: Software abstract. DIVERSI 1.1: A program for diversity calculations        157